Snake Pit

I knew not to go on the night out.  There would be a couple of people there who I just don’t vibe with.  Not my tribe.  Judgemental, antagonisers who love ‘poking the bear’ type people. My intuition was telling me all day long not to go.  But I went anyway.  A small part of me thought it might actually be fun!  How wrong I was…

It didn’t take long for the people I was concerned about to try and ‘pull’ me in. They are the type of people who really try to put you down and embarrass you or rile you up for their own entertainment.  Or to make themselves feel superior or just for the fun of it, who knows really?  I don’t think like them, nor would I ever want to, so I will never truly know what goes through the heads of these type of people.

I felt like I spent the whole night defending myself.  I was uncomfortable and in negative company.  It took me a couple of days to feel good and back to my strong self again but it got me thinking about people who energetically drain others energy.  We’ve all been there!  You have a conversation with a particular type of person and they walk away feeling great while you are left feeling absolutely drained and exhausted by them.  You can’t see it or put your finger on it but you know the type of people I mean.  The people who give you “bad vibes”.  Especially if you’re sensitive and intuitive like myself.  There are also people who lift you up, make you laugh or just feel good by being in their presence.  These types of people are the ones you want to surround yourself with more.

Why do we feel different depending on the company we are in?  It’s an energetic thing.  Quantum physicists tell us that at the most fundamental level, EVERYTHING is energy, including us! Most people know from high school that atoms make up everything in the universe.  At their most basic level atoms are composed of vortices of energy that are continually spinning and vibrating and emit their own distinct energy signatures.  Human beings are made up of these very atoms and therefore have their own distinct energy patterns and vibrations.  To understand why a person’s energy can affect yours imagine the sort of energy created by the vibrations of sound.  The vibration of an item causes the molecules of the air around it to move. These molecules collide with molecules nearby, causing those molecules to vibrate as well.  Happy, joyful, loving, kind people have high vibrational energy and you feel happier just by being in their company.  Toxic individuals affect our energy in the most damaging way.  These people basically “feed on “our energy and leave us feeling tired, exhausted and drained.

Taking back our own personal power and energy is the most important thing we can do after being around an energetically draining person.  They don’t care about you or your time.  It’s important that you care about yourself enough to limit exposure or time spent with toxic people.  Do what you can to make yourself feel good again.  Take a walk in nature, watch a comedy, read a good book etc. whatever is needed to get your mind off of them and onto your own freedom and enjoyment.  The most damaging thing I’ve noticed about toxic people in my life is how much time I have spent thinking about how draining they are, or complaining about them after stealing my energy.  By doing this I still give them my energy! It takes longer to restore myself back to normal and recover.  Instead, I now try to focus on the positive people in my life and all the things I have to be grateful for to shift my mood and boost my energy and wellbeing.

We can choose how people affect us.  We can allow them to drain us by giving them access to our time and having weak boundaries in place.  Or we can choose to make ourselves important (because nobody else will) and start valuing and protecting our time and energy.  We can refuse to participate in the negativity of others and focus on only the things and people that make us feel good.  It truly is a choice!  You can quite literally change your attitude in a split second and focus your mind onto what you want to experience.  Try it and see!  Discipline your mind to focus only on the good experiences and interactions you have each day and limit the energy you give to the negative people who may have tried to influence your day.

What did I take from this experience?  I love the fact that instead of beating myself up I am choosing to see that these negative individuals don’t care about me and I need to take care of myself. I need to comfort myself and choose to learn from this experience.  Next time I WILL listen to my intuition and not go out or participate in a social situation if I feel unclear, uncertain or uncomfortable.  All three of these things I felt beforehand but still went anyway, just to please them!  I now see I need much stronger boundaries in place.  I choose to know that I am a good person with good people in my life.  I have a handful of wonderful, close friends, the most beautiful children in the world who make me laugh every day and the most amazing relationship with a man who truly sees me for me and accepts me for who I am.  I feel so lucky and blessed to have these people in my life.  These are the people that matter.  These are the people to focus on.  I will no longer surround myself with snakes or concern myself with toxic people or their negative opinions and behaviour.  These people don’t matter one bit.  I choose to walk in my own power, be myself and let everything else go.

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