The Importance of Living a Full Life

I have heard stories about multimillionaire businessmen throwing themselves off buildings due to financial loss or committing suicide due to depression caused by layoffs and job insecurity.  I have personally known three people who have taken their own lives due to the loss or breakup of a relationship.  I have heard many more cases of suicide from friends of friends, work colleagues and people who I did not personally know.  I have read about people dying shortly after retirement because their whole sense of self and purpose was tied to their jobs.  I have met mothers who have built their whole lives around their children as if their children were the only reason for being.  Once those children leave home, go to university and experience their own lives they are at risk of feelings of loss and loneliness, not knowing what to do with themselves or how to fill their time, since everything was previously about parenting and little else.

People who base their whole life on mainly one thing, or person, are at risk of feeling as if they’ve lost everything once that part of their life is lost or fails to work out the way they had envisioned.  It is very risky to put all your eggs in one basket because if that basket is lost or destroyed in any way then you may feel as if you have nothing left and that your life isn’t worth living anymore.  This is why I encourage people to consider ALL areas of their lives.  Their friends, family, work, career, goals, education, love relationships, children, hobbies, relaxation time, self-care, entertainment, learning etc. You can think of it as a pie chart with all the pieces of the pie making up your life.  The areas may be different for each person.  For example, one of my areas is spirituality as I love meditating, burning essential oils and incense sticks, reading about near death experiences and the afterlife and learning about all things mystical.  My pie chart would have a section for family, friends, love relationship, spirituality, self-care, hobbies, exercise, career, health, nature, reading, writing and learning.  These are the areas I focus on in my everyday life.  If one of those areas was lost or damaged in any way, I would still have all the other areas to focus upon so my life wouldn’t feel so devastating by the loss of just one section of the pie. Whole Life Pie Chart

People who put all their energy, focus and attention on just one area are at risk of limiting themselves and the richness of what their life has the potential to become.  Not to mention isolation, depression and suicide at losing the most important thing to them.  Think about all the areas in your life that are important to you.  Make up your own version of the pie chart and commit yourself and your time equally amongst all the sections.  By doing this you will find not only that your life is more rich, meaningful and full but you will be able to keep going if any area of your life does take a negative hit.  You will bounce back quicker from life’s setbacks.  Balancing all areas of your life and ensuring you focus on more than one thing is the key to living life fully.  I would be interested to find out about the key areas others focus on in life.  Feel free to email me to let me know at

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