My Book

New Release

Choice Point

The story tells the tale of me and my twin sister who grew up experiencing a multitude of traumas in poverty and neglect. Born half Libyan, half Scottish and raised by our white Scottish mother and absent father. It discusses some traumatic situations of racism, physical torture from our mother who suffered mental health issues, sexual abuse from the ages of 5 to 11 from our step Grandad and additionally our Karate teacher from ages 9 to 11, foster care, childrens homes, homelessness, bankruptcy, narcissistic husbands etc. These experiences left my beautiful twin sister with a drug and alcohol problem to numb out the pain, she eventually lost custody of her own children, who she loved very much, and went on to commit suicide a couple of years later. I dealt with things differently but not scot free and had to overcome social anxiety, severe panic attacks and complicated PTSD. All of which I’ve successfully overcome. I’ve also healed myself from Crohn’s disease and managed to form a successful career where I actually speak for a living!

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